Chamber Music Corvallis appreciates support at all levels. Every donation helps to cover performance costs not covered by ticket revenues. 

CMC is an independent 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization. Your donation is exempt from federal income tax to the fullest extent of the law.

Make a contribution by MAIL. Please fill out this form and mail to:

Chamber Music Corvallis
P.O. Box 962
Corvallis, OR 97339

Donate in honor of
or in memory of someone special

Get Involved

Chamber Music Corvallis can only succeed through the strength and commitment of its volunteers. For more information about volunteering, please contact Amy Rossman, CMC Board President:

Poster Distribution: Two weeks prior to each concert, posters advertising the concert are distributed and posted at businesses throughout Corvallis and Albany. Poster distribution routes in limited areas have been developed. Volunteers walk around downtown and/or drive to more distant locations depending on the route.

Assistant Treasurer: Works with current Treasurer to assist in financial matters such as selling tickets prior to concerts, visiting the post office box, and learning to use our accounting system, Quick Books. This person would eventually take over as Treasurer.

Hosting musicians: Musicians are hosted by local folks in Corvallis. This is an opportunity to get to know musicians, all of whom are amazing and fun! To serve as a host to individual musicians, one must have a separate bedroom and dedicated bathroom as well as willingness to provide meals to the musicians. They usually arrive on Thursday afternoon or evening and leave Saturday morning.

If interested in serving on the CMC Board of Directors, contact Amy Rossman or any of the CMC Directors.

For information on volunteer opportunities please email us at